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Are you on Facebook? Of course you are: even your teenage child/niece/nephew/friend’s kid is on there - though they claim they don’t check it ever and it’s for “old” people. It’s not, or not just!

Facebook also helps you keep up with the latest news and current events around the world. Subscribe to your favorite celebrities, brands, news sources, artists,.

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According to the social media behemoth itself, about 1.60 million active daily users, 2.45 billion active monthly users, and 2.2 billion people use Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, or WhatsApp every single day. (And where Facebook goes… well, it’s going to impact Insta and WhatsApp too).

The vast majority of brands cannot afford to neglect this platform, and knowing about Facebook updates for 2020 will help keep you ahead of the curve.

Facebook Changes to Track in the New Year

2019 was the year of the Facebook Stories feature. What does Facebook have in store for us in 2020?

  1. Lead Generation in Messenger

You can create ads that click through to Messenger, opening up a conversation between your brand and a prospect. They will see a set of questions with either pre-filled answer options or free form text. You can integrate this feature with your CRM and then continue interacting with qualified leads through the Pages Inbox, Pages Manager App, or a third party live chat provider. If people do not complete questions, a friendly prompt will be sent.

A test case for you: RIFT TAX, a UK financial services firm, wanted to grow its Armed Forces member base. Using Lead Generation In Messenger, they boosted qualified leads by a very healthy 42%. They were able to follow up in minutes and had an 18% higher lead resolve rate compared to phone calls.

Consumers already love AI chat bots when they want quick, easy answers or resolutions to routine problems. Facebook’s lead gen feature also enables instantaneous service.

  1. 24-Hour Standard Messaging Window

Facebook’s Messenger Platform policies are intended to “help people and businesses connect effectively… to achieve meaningful outcomes.” Consumers expect a quick response, and businesses who accommodate realize better outcomes. So… they have a “24 +1 Rule.” Basically, when a user opts in to messaging, the brand can send as many promotional or non-promotional messages as they want in the first 24 hours. After that, you may send one promotional update and as many non-promotional updates as you want.

This rule is phasing out as of January 5, 2020. Brands will not be able to send messages outside the 24 hour window; they will, however, able to use Message Tags (which allow you to send “important and personally relevant 1:1 updates”) and Sponsored Messages (highly targeted messages that are clearly labeled “Sponsored”) These can both be done outside the 24 hour window and facilitate in reengaging leads.

The takeaway from Facebook, though, is to respond to your messages quickly!

  1. Simplified Message Tags

We mentioned that the 24 +1 Rule was changing. Adding on to this point, Facebook is simplifying its message tags. You will be able to send 1:1 messages outside of the 24 hour window for four specific reasons:

  1. Post-purchase updates
  2. Event reminders
  3. Account updates
  4. Human agent

The takeaway from Facebook, though, is to respond to your messages quickly! (Sound familiar?)

  1. Subscription Messaging Beta Update
  • Facebook: We are updating this policy as we found some businesses were using the subscription messaging beta in ways that weren’t in line with our policy…
  • Us: This is why we can’t have anything nice…

Subscription messaging was intended to allow business pages to send non-promotional content on a recurring basis. Facebook’s policy mandated, among other requirements, that brands not send advertisements, promotional content, solicitations, etc., use data they obtain for any purpose other than supporting the message, or ask for payment information.

Because of too-frequent violations of the policy, only news organizations who successfully register their Pages through the Facebook News Page Index can apply to use Subscription Messaging now. Will this change when beta testing is over? We hope so, as we know conscientious brands will adhere to the policies.

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  1. Discover Tab Phase Out

Many Facebook changes are intended to simplify the experience. To this end, they are eliminating the Discover tab from Messenger. This feature was intended to help people browse for nearby places and businesses to message. Instead, they are working on “better ways to help businesses connect” across Facebook apps and ads that lead to messenger.

  1. Calibra

This is one of the more major Facebook updates for 2020: Calibra is a subsidiary that provides financial services through the Libra network, a global cryptocurrency built on blockchain technology. Calibra will roll out a digital wallet for Libra, which will be available in Messenger, WhatsApp, and as a standalone app.

The goal is to make financial services available to more people. Worldside, 3.3 billion people have smartphones, but half the global population lacks access to basic bank accounts. On the business side, this may help open up global e-commerce opportunities and more streamlined buying/selling processes.

We don’t expect this will impact most brands in 2020 - but it is a trend worth keeping your eye on.

  1. New Navigation and Management Tools in Business Manager

Easier, faster, more convenient. This is certainly the theme of the latest Facebook changes. To this end, the social network is introducing new design and navigation for Business Manager. This will make it easier to manage assets and permissions across Facebook platforms (e.g. Instagram, WhatsApp). There is also a shortcut tool that provides suggestions based on past activity, as well as a shortcut that takes you right into Ads Manager to quickly create ads.

  1. Simplified Feed Formats

Facebook introduced an updated design earlier in 2019, emphasizing privacy and a “lighter” feel for the social platform. This prompted an update to Page posts and ads on mobile. The visible primary text will shorten from seven lines to three. To see more, people have to click. Another change: the maximum media height for videos and photos will go from an aspect ratio 2:3 to 4:5.

  1. Refined Targeting Options

“Spray and pray” marketing is ineffective - and expensive. Facebook will offer more refined targeting options to help you zero in on your audience. Narrow in on not only demographics, but interests and behaviors.

Note: Facebook is also taking action against discriminatory ad targeting in certain business categories, specifically housing, employment, and credit. Some businesses were using ad tools to unfairly limit audiences. You must specify whether you fall under any of these categories.

  1. New Insights and eLearning Courses

This is a terrific resource for brands: you can learn more about topics, such as developing modern marketing mix models and measuring campaign performance and access dozens of Blueprint eLearning courses. These are free online courses that help you learn new marketing skills. You can also see key consumer insights that can help guide your marketing initiatives.

What’s Next?

  • Bonus Insight: The average time spent on Facebook has decreased from 41 minutes per day in 2017 to 38 minutes in 2019. In 2020, the average time spent on Facebook is expected to drop to 37 minutes.

Why is this important? Well, 37 minutes is still a substantial part of our days - especially with busy schedules - so you cannot afford to ignore this platform.

But the slight downward trend also signals that, while Facebook is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with and will continue to be so, we need to stay on our toes and watch for new trends to emerge. This is digital marketing, folks! The only constant is change, after all.

Don’t worry: THAT Agency will be here to guide you through Facebook updates for 2020 and beyond - as well as helping you navigate new territory if it is relevant and holds potential for your brand. Contact us today - and let’s make 2020 your best year yet.

Which Facebook updates are you the most excited about?!